As many of you know we’ve been leading a monthly mediation on the 22nd of every month at 7:22pm which happens to be Pacific Standard time this month here in Sedona Arizona. This month we will be live-streaming the mediation for everyone who would like to tune in. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and tune in for our livestream meditation.
We’d also like to remind you of this years 7th Seal Summit on July 5th through July 7th. You can learn more about this event and purchase tickets at

We are working away on our new crypto currency platform and continuing to make headway on all financial fronts. This has been a very productive and fruitful year for the movement and we’re excited for what that means for the whole tribe.
This is an auspicious time due to spring and the Solstice. The Galactics indicated this Spring would be very productive and it is certainly the case.
We have been receiving some news that things are happening with the private transactions with currencies. We are getting more details on how we could benefit from this. As well as bring a layer of protection for these transactions with what we have been doing and constructing.
And speaking of progress it is time for us to get some more information about your projects. Please visit our new project site: and update your project details. You can use your existing login / password. If you have not submitted your project details yet you can do that here as well. We are excited to receive your project proposals. You guys are doing some amazing things already. To assist you in the process of raising funds we have added ideas and tools for you to start start the funding progress with or without us. We celebrate the people who take initiative.
There are many exciting things unfolding faster and faster. We shall keep you informed. We have learned some new things that will be able to be shared relatively soon.
Thanks for aligning your intention with our collective belief that is growing as our new reality. The expanding awareness for good and more light is spreading rapidly! We hope you align more and more, amplifying th co-creation of our collective desires even more. The agreement and intent for our expanded outcomes to manifest for positive and abundant events is occurring on a daily and weekly basis.
We welcome your participation and involvement in Sedona and virtually and send our blessings for the best and highest outcomes!
With Deepest Gratitude,
M, Ms. M and the Whitehat Alliance