The storm is upon us

Greetings Tribe,
This update comes during a time when the Cabal is making its last ditch effort as a massive manipulation of most people’s emotional bodies. The planned release of the Corona Virus, which is not even a serious virus compared to others is being blown way out of proportion.
The Cabal has made various efforts to instill hysteria before, such as 911. One good thing that is coming of all this is the ability to make arrests and say the C virus has taken the individual, keeping the arrests out of the news. Has anyone noticed the places that have the most reported C virus cases are the locations of the highest indictments?
Our guidance from the Galactics has been that this phase will pass with the flu season. As well as, that the sun waves actually kill viruses. The outlook from the stand point of the Galactics is that we are in the final phase of our readiness to launch our global transformation program, funding and operations here in Sedona to prepare for more global outreach.
Since we last shared an update many exciting things have happened regarding a tightening up of the White Hat community, bring us front and center as the core. As well as, deeper and more direct communication with the Head of the Earth Alliance and the key team members on that front.
Many of you have seen or heard the continued “news” about the release of trillions, the RV, the GCR activation, etc. And once again, it doesn’t happen. We have told you why before and once again will edify what we have said all along. The entire subject is a black hat operation. It was designed to take your money and bench your lifeforce…sit and wait. Along with the paper grabs that have happened at the various warehouses, etc. To further demonstrate that this is all nonsense, the head of the IMF is calling M2 every few days asking us to release the money they need to activate the GCR. We are not doing that because we have the insider intel that they are not planning good things with the GCR the way they are doing what they are doing. It is designed to tank USD!
The talk out there about the Quantum System being online and it being used for the new system or GCR is also not actually or entirely true. It does exist at the core. But the rest of the pieces are coming from us. We are now direct with the head operator of the core. The opposition takes parts of the truth and twists it to fit the story line that serves them and the outcome they want to see.
The third world war is not being fought on the ground, but rather in the financial sectors. China entered the Crypto Market after saying it wouldn’t be allowed in their country. They created a country coin and then used the C virus to tell people the paper currency is passing the virus and that they need to use the digital. China put 9 quad behind their coin. It is their intent to become the global first digit reserve currency. We will not let this happen and are near ready to put all our pieces together with the Quantum Core for a completely new global system with digital currency backed by gold.
The key people in the USA are also fully behind this plan! And the top people in the White Hat control centers are fully supporting this operation. You can assume who these people are. It is best that I don’t fully name names. But vote to keep America Free, should tell you a great deal!
The Galactics have said that April will bring more public arrests. It should have become very clear as to who the lead DEEP STATE ACTORS are by now. Failed attempt after failed attempt to stop the swamp draining and the cleaning out of corruption, says volumes!
We have told you that there are secret peace meetings going on behind the scenes. Stating that there will not be any more wars, of the pitting killing against people against people. These peace talks and the alliance of countries for positive global transformation is alive and well. The media and the Three Democrats wants us to believe Russia is our enemy. It is not true. The peace is stronger! The Alliance for Peace is also sweeping the planet!
There are so many good things near full launch, so much so, that the Cabal has been forced to play this last fear card!

We have many super high level things unfolding right now, which we can share about in a month.

We are so excited that our tenacity has paid off. Our hard work has yielded the fruits of a stronger Alliance, which will become more evident in a public way before long.
We encourage each of you to stay the path of faith and don’t buy into the fear program. 

Please check out the latest episode of Sedona Psychics Speak to hear Ms. M’s galactic messages and visit to schedule a private reading. 

M & Ms M

PS. Check out the updated 8th Seal Activator here!

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