Greetings tribe,
We are gearing up for an epic 2019. There have been monumental gains in the liberation movement. However communication remains on lock down to ensure the success of the Whitehat Alliance.
We will be appearing on three new shows in the next month. Look for us on Alice Ate The Apple with Kerry Walker, Guided with Jodi Reynosa and Lighten Up! on the Fringe with our dear friend Suzanne Ross. Ms. M will be a guest of the Project Manifest Orchestra on January 19th at the Creative Life Center in Sedona Arizona. Look for ticket information and livestream access here on or visit to participate in this amazing Sound Journey.
We would like to remind you of our upcoming event this Friday December 21st at 7:00pm. We will be celebrating the Winter Solstice and return of the Sun here in Sedona. This livestream Sound Healing Journey and meditation is only $22 and as a special Holiday treat we are offering complimentary access to the livestream when you purchase the archives for 7th Seal Summit and the Great Awakening for the discounted price of $55.
We are also offering a Second Holiday special from now until January 1st when you book an activation and clearing with M and Ms. M you will receive a laminated 7th Seal meditation tool and access to Wisdom of the Seal M’s upcoming video. Please visit to request an appointment.
For those of you interested in project funding, please make a submission prior to February 25th, 2019 to be considered in our first round of funding. Visit for current submission procedures.
We will have more updates for you early next year. We appreciate all of you and look forward to changing the world with you.
Happy Holidays!
With Deepest Gratitude,
M, Ms. M and the Whitehat Alliance.