Greetings Tribe,
Hope you all had a powerful Golden Gate. November was a monumental month for the movement and we have powerful updates to share in the new year. Have you felt a shift? Are you tuning into the powerful energy coming in waves? Since the Golden Gate we have noticed our thoughts and intentions are manifesting at a rapid pace and there have been increased time abnormalities.
It is time to embrace our roles as actionist and wayshowers. We are currently finishing the next level questionnaire for humanitarian project proposals. It is time for us to learn a little more about the projects you have created as we move closer to funding. As a rule we do not discuss current operations and as the stakes become higher we’ve been forced to tighten security.
For now we would like to invite you all to celebrate the Winter Solstice with us and the team here in Sedona on Friday December 21st, 2018 at 7:00pm. This is a sound healing experience and meditation, we’d love to have your energy in the collective vortex. Help us celebrate the return or the light as we continue to usher in the Golden Age and remember “When we are one then we are done.”
Happy holidays from the team. Eat drink and be merry.
With Deepest Gratitude,
M and Ms. M