Which pill will you take? The wake up pill or the sleeping pill?

It is time to really become Neo, the One!
It can be overwhelming to discern the truth. There is so much dis-info and fake news out there!
Recently an article was circulating that was referencing the mark of the beast. It said the most absurd things. Such as St. Germaine is Lucifer! And that the Prosperity for Humanity program was the next beast system replacing the 1st Beast System (FEDERAL RESERVE, etc.) This is the most ridiculous thing ever!
Perhaps these types of assertions are due to all the lack of faith and knowing that plaques many people today. When one is awakening to higher levels of consciousness it becomes easier to discern the truth.

When one is asleep it is very easy to be manipulated by the news, blogs and lost sheep thinking.
This beast article wants you to believe that all the positive things for an abundant, awake and aware future is a trick to get you to become further enslaved…take the mark to get the gold!
It is unfortunate that such dis-info is even allowed to exist. Especially when it attempts to twist the words of the bible. The bible to begin with is only a version of the truth, stories that have been told and retold over thousands of years. It was altered by man in several ways. A good news story was twisted by the Romans so that it could control us further. The Romans wished to take over the world. They attempted it with steel and might. When the sword became to expensive, they re-thought the plan. This re-formation of strategy was crafted into Re-legion, a less expensive method of a legion of control that would manipulate the minds of the people. They took the Jesus story, embraced it and twisted the sacred books, adding what would serve their plan and pushing it as truth. They wanted you to believe that if you are bad you go to hell. Instead of the currently belief at that time, which was you reincarnate again. In order to compel one to behave they needed them to believe if they sin they burn in hell.
A sin is an old Aramaic archer term that means to miss the mark. Not hit the bullseye. The phrase try try again is what was expected. Practice makes perfect!
The controlling of minds became the way to put the masses to sleep. And the dark hats of old needed a way to keep us asleep. They knew that the wisdom of the mystery school was a powerful wake up pill and they didn’t want anyone to find that door and walk through it.

The next way the Church Fathers accomplished dis-empowering the people was to tell them that sex was bad and that the woman and her menstrual cycle was unclean. The woman was a temptress and passion was evil. They needed to cut humanity off from feeling, from love, from a whole body system, connected to the spiritual body. When all bodies, energetic systems are whole and functioning properly, we gain access to our higher self.
They couldn’t have a bunch of divine Selves empowered with super hero capabilities leading people into Divine Consciousness fully embodied. They went from if you are Christian we will feed you to the lions to if you are not Christian we will burn you at the stake!
This out of control Churchianty was a menace against humanity and lead to so much power and control. There are many good articles about how the whole super control system has been implemented and literally does control everything.
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild
If you control all the money do you not have the maker of laws at your disposal?
Controlling people by what they think was easy with Television. It became harder with the Internet. The awakening masses had more access to truth information. Sharing the hidden plan and methods of control became difficult to manage. Dis-info articles and blogs became the next important brainwashing technique. The awakening spiritual community was accessing inner knowing and sharing what was being felt and lived by experience and the truth. Confusing the seeker with false stories and misleading fallacious partial truths became the psy op!
Many black programs to pacify the awakening masses would be created. One of the first was a prosperity program that would give people money. Money they really wanted to change their lives. To empower them to be more free and pursue the American Dream, fund passion projects or important humanitarian projects. The Alpha and Omega program that was being reported on by the White Dove was a deceitful manipulation that was target at the “New Age” community of the 80’s and 90’s so they would sit on the couch and just wait for the money, not taking action to make change with the awakening inner super power of awakening consciousness and knowing that they create reality with their minds! The negative side of the Government and Agencies, such as CIA knew the power of the mind. The Russians had been developing physic warfare and spying via remote viewing before we did. The phenomenon of super powers was rising and the Cabal needed to suppress it all all costs if they would be able to keep their time-lines for total and complete domination on a world wide scale and implement their ONE WORLD ORDER.
These types of programs worked so well they created another one called the RV (Currency Revaluations) and the GCR (Global Currency Reset) supported all the way to the top by the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund).
This program sold you the belief that you could spend $50.00 and get $10,000.00 and all you had to do was wait. People spent life savings and have been waiting nearly a decade! How effective was that? Dis-empowering the awakening super power of your thoughts create your reality was pretty easy.
This program was keep going with updates that the big release of funds would happen next week. Next week for a decade! The news sounded so convincing. Trump wants it. The US TREASURY is involved, it is part of the release of the new gold backed USD currency. The news keep getting better and better. The old program/story that NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act) that was part of the White Dove story time, was morphed into the new time line.
All the good ideas and dreams of many awakening people was woven together into a dream come true. Of course it all makes great sense. But it was the furthest thing from what the Cabal would allow. They had to take a good idea plan of action and put it together with the Black Psy OP RV/GCR to get people to really support it and sell it.
Selling the program became a cult. Buying more of the next currency and the next story had to have many elements of real and believable ingredients. This con job had to have the highest intelligence and guiding hand to make it work. The secret agency behind the CIA was responsible for coordinating the operations. This little dark cadre has been echoed in Hollywood in TV shows such as ALIAS, NIKITA and BLACKLIST. The Cabal with its cells in all the high places, designed the RV as a money grab. They would rally all the currency to RENO and then do a sting and take all the currency. They also ran similar programs to grab all the Bonds!
All these types of beliefs of FREE MONEY worked wonders on stopping the creative ability of nearly a million people, many of them really gifted and awake spiritual people that have amazing projects that will help humanity.
Deep Disclosure was created to reveal this Black Op and tell the Truth about what is really going on with the Earth Alliance and Space Alliance for the Great Awakening of Humanity.
This type of information coupled with Spiritual Wisdom and Galactic Knowledge, Predictions and Insights from true insiders and way-showers is what is shared and rallied at the 7th Seal Summit. These types of Summits and Rallies of those who are wide awake, as the NEO, One Unity Force for Global Transformation, the SAINTs (Spiritually Aligned International Networking Teams) as Agents of Positive Change are the ground crew that are and have been envisioning and implementing the One Unity Time Line of the Golden Age.
To say that all the channeled information and higher self wisdom is all good and accurate is incorrect. One must use discretion from the heart, the inner knowing, the still small voice within.
The dis-info has been laced within these types of deliveries. Chanellings saying St. Germain supports the RV or the Galactics are helping the GCR are not accurate.
Yes there is a White Hat Network that is working behind the scenes that has been for over a decade to bring about a new system, literally totally new systems that span all areas; internet, banking, cell phones, wi-fi, blockchain, new facebook for good, new search engines for good, etc. (check out www.omnifisystems.com)
The White Hats are creating the QFS (Quantum Financial System), it is not online as the RV blogs want you to believe. The tech does exist, the teams building it are interlinked, the gold is ready. The whole story being told across the blogs etc is partially true. We have recently heard that Trump had a conference call with Xi and Putin about a global crypto currency that is backed by gold. We have known that this has been in the works along with a peace treaty for several years.
The moles of the Deep State and Dark Hats have leaked information to craft stories that allow them to manipulate the minds of the people for more than one reason. They know if you believe something it is created. They have had the plan to do a cashless society that required the chipped frequency and DNA activated devices with virtual wallets on you cell phones for some time. Not all this was their idea, they steal the ingenuity of the people and twist it into what they want.
They sell the story as the future technology that is the next wave that you most certainly desire.
This is both the natural path of evolution in the human creative expression and the control agenda. The differentiation is us, the awakened masses, choosing what will happen. We decide, we accept, we create our reality. It is a collective set of decisions.
What will we create. Perhaps we should indeed take all the good of all things future tech and craft it into a master global solution for positive change. This what a small group of us have done as the real white knights who are fighting the battle on the front lines daily, without pay, without fear!
We know the future and so do the Caballers, they saw it in the Looking Glass. They know the Light wins and who it is that takes over the banking system, so to speak, by creating an alternative that decentralizes the power. They are now executing their next phase of their plan. The COVID 19 Fear program. It is a double edge sword. The White Hats and Earth Alliance and Space Alliance are using it to do the final take down, the round up of the indictments and the take over of the underground bases, as well as the freeing of children, stopping the sex trafficking and other satanic practices and deranged sexual predilections.
Join us and our movement to actually believe the real truth and the movement to take the wake up pill and manifest the reality we know in our hearts to be true. It is a version of all the sold goods out there because the opposition need to work with some truth to sugar coat the evil pill they want you to swallow.
Stay tuned as we release our version of the prosperity program, one that is truly blessed by St. Germain and the Goddess. Repeat after me! I believe in the good things coming… they are hear now!
Check out the sponsor forward abundance system in days to come at….
